Friday 27 November 2015

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Everybody loves Indiana Jones. With a mix of quick action, memorable characters, and practical effects that will haunt your nightmares you can bet it was popular. After the success of The Last Crusade it was only logical to make a fourth movie..... A rough 19 years later. As you may have guessed I am talking about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It's one tranwreck of a movie and I have to review it. Small note there will be some spoilers..... But let's be fair this movie is ruined either way. So without further ado let's get started.

Characters: The main character of this movie is Indiana Jones. He's mostly the same as in the previous movies.... Just older. But don't worry he has an obvious stunt double for the action sequences. The other characters in this movie are Indiana Jones' son he really doesn't do much. Marian from the first movie. She's kind of there for the throwback to the first movie. There's Mac.... He's pointless end of story. There's this crazy guy.... He's only there as a convenient plot device. Finally there's the main villain: a Russian lady with a really over the top accent. She's probably the best part of the movie just with how over the top she is.

Special Effects: The effects in this movie are pretty fake looking. I never once believe that there were gophers, monkeys, or man eating ants in this movie. Some of the stunts are impressive but like said above it's pretty obvious when they're using a stunt double. It's sad that the special effects of a movie in the 90's like Jurassic Park are better than this one.

Plot: Okay so Indiana Jones is returning the skull of an alien to it's resting place...... What? That's the story? When where aliens part of the Indiana Jones series. It's about as silly as it sounds. They spend a lot of time explaining stuff. Seriously, during one exposition scene I got a glass of water and when I got back they were still explaining the plot. It's a very silly premise and doesn't really fit into the universe of Indiana Jones.

Overall Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a laughably bad movie. So if you want a movie with bad effects a silly plot and russians

Thursday 5 November 2015

Goosebumps: The Movie

Happy Halloween...... Make that November. As some of you may remember I reviewed a few episodes of the Goosebumps TV show from the 90's. But apparently they made a movie out it. So is it as average as the show or will it actually be better? Let's find out.

Characters: Let's take a look at our main characters. There's Zach. He's bland end of story. There Hannah. She's the generic love interest end of story. There's Zach's Mother. She's barely in the movie.There's Zach's Aunt. She's also barely in the movie. There are these two cops who are barely in the movie but are actually pretty funny. And there's R.L. Stine as portrayed by Jack Black. Honestly he's my favourite characters because of how over the top he is. There are also the various villains from the books. But the only one to get a decent amount of screen time is Slappy the living dummy. Overall there are some pretty forgettable characters but the memorable ones make up for it.

Special Effects: It's a mixed bag. Some of the practical effects like the zombies are pretty convincing. But when they use CGI for monsters like the Yeti, werewolf, and the evil Gnomes I never believed that they were actually there. Overall the special effects are just okay.

Plot: The plot to this movie is a strange hybrid of Jumanji and Gremlins. I like both those movies so this one is pretty good. However I couldn't keep drawing comparisons like the monsters cutting the power and so on. There's also a romance plot with bland and blander..... I mean Zach and Hannah. As you may have guessed from my sarcasm this is my least favourite parts of the movie. But the memorable parts of the movie make up for it.

Conclusion: Overall this wasn't  bad. But with the uninteresting leads and unconvincing effects it's only okay. But some of the practical effects are nice and Jack Black as R. L. Stine sort of steals the show for me. So I do recommend this movie as a Halloween movie.... Even though Halloween is now over.