Jurassic Park is a classic movie combining likeable characters good humor and suspenseful action. Then there was the sequel The Lost World the less said about this the better. Finally the sequel nobody asked for Jurassic Park III. But just this year a new movie under the title of Jurassic World was released. I will be comparing it to the original and seeing if it measures up. I will look at the characters, plot, setting, effects, and action Keep in mind there will be some spoilers for those of you who haven't seen either of these movies. Will it be as good as the original, or will it be just another failed sequel? Let's find out.
Main Characters
In the first movie the main characters were Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Dr. Malcolm, John Hammond, and Hammond's grandchildren Lex and Tim. Grant and Sattler are probably the movies best characters and they have very good on screen chemistry. Jeff Goldblum's performance as Dr. Malcolm is just a bit too quirky and awkward for my taste. Hammond is good character but isn't very good at running the park...like at all. The kids are kind of just annoying especially Tim. In Jurassic World the main characters are two kids named Gray and Zach, their Aunt Claire who helps run the park, a worker at the park named Owen Grady, and the movies main villain Hoskins. The kids in this movie are less annoying but don't really do much Claire is possibly worse at running the park than John Hammond. Owen is probably the best character in the movie and he's played by Chris Pratt so that's pretty cool. Claire and Owen also have good on screen chemistry but not as good as Sattler and Grant. Hoskins is sort of just added on for a kind of forced animal rights message and honestly Dinosaurs are supposed to be the villains anyway. Onto the supporting characters.
Supporting Characters
The first movie has supporting characters like Gennaro the lawyer, Muldoon the Australian hunter guy, Ray Arnold the computer guy, Dennis the other computer guy, and Dr. Henry Wu the scientist. Honestly all of them are just there as Dino food except for Dr. Wu who is only there for a bit of brief exposition. Not much else to say about the first movie. Jurassic world has the parks owner Mr. Masrani, Lowery and Vivian the security people/comic relief, Owen's co-worker Barry, this British lady who is supposed to be looking after the kids, and the only member of the original cast, Dr. Wu. Again mostly just there as Dino food and comic relief. However Dr. Wu was a very minor character but for some reason they decided to bring him back as a villain, not to sure why, but he ends up stealing all the scenes he's in. Onto the Setting.
They are set in the same place but there are some major differences from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. In Jurassic Park the park was more like a zoo where you got in a Jeep drove around and looked at dinosaurs. I also liked all the phony Jurassic Park merchandise. The early 90's technology did make the film look a bit dated and it isn't a small thing to over look. In Jurassic World it is more like a theme park with Dino rides for little kids, rafting down a river, a Sea World like water dinosaur show (with splash zone), and an enclosed area for flying Dinosaurs. It is actually very well created and I admired that aspect of the movie. Now let's see how the action measures up.
In the first movie the action was slow and suspenseful in this the action face paced and panicky. For this one it's all a matter of preference but I personally prefer the action in the original myself. I guess it just is better at keeping you guessing. But the action in Jurassic World is actually really well shot. That's about it for the action. Now onto the Effects.
The effects in the first movie were of course ground breaking, now that it's 2015 the effects have gotten better. But in Jurassic world the effects are kind of all over the place sometimes it's convincing like with the hybrid Dinosaur and others not so much like with the fish Dinosaur. The original was more consistent with the quality of the CGI and combined it well with practical effects. Speaking of which the best effects in Jurassic world are probably the animatronics which I am glad they included. Well time to movie onto the final aspect, the plot.
Jurassic Park is definitely the better movie but Jurassic world is still worth seeing. Both these films have their strengths and weaknesses and I found myself being entertained by them. Jurassic world is probably the best of the sequels and I recommend seeing it on the big screen. I would also recommend re watching Jurassic Park as it is a good movie. So that was my comparation of both movies I hope you like it and feel free to state your opinion on which movie is better. See you all next time.
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