Monday 9 March 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze

Wow that title is a mouthfull. Sequels Month is starting off with this film and we will see if it is better or worse then the original. As I stated in my review of the first movie it is based on a popular comic and TV show from the 80's and 90's. Oh and there may be some spoilers for the first movie in here. So let's go to where everyone eats pizza and review Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze.

We start with a pizza delivery boy named Keno (Ernie Reyes jr.) who stumbles upon some crooks robbing a mall but then the ninja turtles, Leonardo (Mark Caso), Donatello (Leif Tilden), Rapheal (Kenn Scott), and Michaelangelo (Michalen Sisti) come to the rescue.  Now in the first movie they used their ninja gear in the fight scenes but since that got too many complaints from parents they use random objects that just happen to be lying around. So after defeating the crooks the turtles head back to the apartment of April O'Neil (Paige Turco) where they are staying until they find a better place to live. Later that day April does a report on TV about a local company closing down for unknown reasons. But it turns out this mysterious ooze has caused some nearby dandelions to mutate into bigger dandelions. That night the same pizza deliver boy comes to April's apartment and sees the turtles and gets freaked out. But the turtles explain to him what they are and that it is important to keep a secret.

Meanwhile it turns out the villain from the last movie, The Shredder (François Chau) is still alive and planning his revenge on the ninja turtles. The Shredder and his henchmen invade the lab with the ooze and kidnap one of the scientists and one of the last canisters of ooze. The turtles decide to go into the sewer to find a good place to live. They find an abandoned subway station where they decide to live. Meanwhile Keno and Rapheal go to the Shredder's headquarters where he sees the scientist from before and it turns out the Shredder used the ooze to mutate a turtle and a dog into mutants named Tokka (Kurt Bryant) and Rahzar (Mark Ginther). But Keno and Raph get captured and it's up to the rest of the turtles to save him. But they to get captured but manage to free themselves and once again instead of using their ninja weapons use random objects they find lying around. They escape the Shredder and make a plan to defeat him once and for all.


They challenge the Shredder's mutants to a battle and end up battling in a club where Vanilla Ice is singing. Oh and then he starts doing a ninja rap.....I don't even know what to say about this scene. They defeat Tokka and Rahzar but then Shredder drinks the last of the ooze and becomes Super Shredder (Kevin Nash) only to have the ceiling collapse on top of him resulting in him being defeated so it's kind of pointless for him to have transformed in the first place. The End.


Well that was an awful movie. It is extremely dated. Some of the actors aren't that good and the Shredder isn't that much of an interesting villain. But at least the animatronic turtles look pretty good. But I still don't recommend this movie as a good sequel or good movie in general, See you next time. And seriously, why was Vanilla Ice in this?

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