Years ago on another world a magical crystal cracked and two races came from it, the evil Skeksis and the peaceful Mystics. We meet our main character named Jen (Jim Henson/Stephen Garlcik for the voice). He is a Gelfling and all the other Gelflings where killed by the Skeksis. He was adopted by the Mystics. There is a prophesy that he will find the crystal shard and reunite with the dark crystal. The crystal is supposed to be in the home of a woman named Aughra (Frank Oz/Billie Whitelaw for the voice). So Jen sets out in his quest. Meanwhile the Skeksis emperor has just died. So two of the Skeksis named Chamberlain (Barry Dennen) and General (Michael Kilgarriff) want to be the new emperor so they have a duel and general wins. Chamberlain is banished from the kingdom
General sends some soldiers to destroy Jen. Jen finds Aughra. Aughra tells Jen of an event called the great conjunction that will happen when all three suns (yes this world has three suns) come together. Aughra gives Jen the crystal shard but General's soldiers attack. Jen escapes and the soldiers capture Aughra. Jen escapes into the swamp where he meets Kira (Kathryn Mullen/Lisa Maxwell) the other last living Gelfling. She takes Jen to her home. But the soldiers attack Jen and Kira. But luckily they escape. They come across the ruins of a Gelfling village. Written on the wall is the prophesy of a Gelfling saving the world. They try to get to the Skeksis castle by riding some creatures called the Landstriders. They finally make it to the Skeksis castle.***SPOILER ALERT STOP HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT THE END RUINED***
Chamberlain captures Kira and buries Jen in a landslide. Chamberlain shows Kira to General and General restores Chamberlains honor. Kira is taken to a room to have her life drained. Fortunately, she escapes and Jen catches up. We get the climax in which Kira almost dies, Jen frees Aughra, the Great Cunjunction happens, and Jen reunites the shard with the Dark Crystal. The Skeksis and The Mystics become one and every one lives happily ever after. The End.
This is a wonderful movie. It is very impressive that all the characters are puppets. The story is very interesting and the world is very creative. The only problem I have is that the opening feels rushed. It's just the narrator talking about the backstory of the world we are in and it doesn't take the time to establish characters. Either that or I'm bad at listening. Other than that I love this movie: you should check it out some time if you haven't seen it.