Friday 21 February 2014


I was going to review the live action Cat in the Hat movie. But I decided to save that for early May. So with out further ado, I give you my review of  Labyrinth.

We start with a girl named Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) who is role-playing or something when a storm starts and she goes home. She has to babysit her baby brother Toby (Toby Froud). But she dosen't like her brother so she tells him a story in which a princess gives her baby brother to a goblin king. Then she says "I wish the goblin king would really take you away". Then sure enough Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) comes to take Toby away. Jareth tells Sarah that if she wants her brother back she will have to travel to the goblin castle in the center of the Labyrinth. She comes across a troll named Hoggle (Shari Weiser/Brain Henson for the voice) who shows her around the Labyrinth. Sarah is walking through the Labyrinth by herself when she realizes that she is getting nowhere fast. A caterpillar points her in the right direction. Sarah tries to mark her way by drawing on the ground but that doesn't work because some tiny creatures throw her off the right track. She notices two doors which give her a puzzle. She answers the puzzle but falls down a pit into a cave. Down in the cave is Hoggle. Hoggle show her through the cave but they run into Jareth. Jareth is mad at Hoggle so he sends a giant machine after them. They escape the machine and end up in the garden part of the Labyrinth. But Hoggle hears a monster and runs away.

The monster is actually a harmless creature named Ludo (Rob Mills/Ron Mueck as the voice) who is being tortured by some goblins. Sarah chases the goblins away and frees Ludo. Ludo joins Sarah on her quest. They make it into the forest but Ludo falls down a hole and leaves Sarah alone. Meanwhile Hoggle is ambushed by Jareth who tells Hoggle to give a poison peach to Sarah. Back in The Forest Sarah is ambushed by a bunch of creatures called the Fireys which do a weird song and dance number and jump around. She escapes them and runs into Hoggle. But the floor caves in and they are in the Bog of Eternal Stench. They run into Ludo and a raccoon-dog-rat-thing named Sir Didymus (Dave Goelz/Dave Barclay/David Shaughnessy as the voice). They make it out of the bog and Hoggle gives Sarah the poison peach. Sarah goes to sleep and is transported inside a bubble where a costume party is going on (no comment). She sees a clock which reminds her that she is running out of time to save Toby. So she escapes the bubble and wakes up in a junk yard.


A strange woman (Denise Bryer) shows Sarah to a replica of her room. The woman starts giving Sarah stuff and she realizes how much she is weighed down by it. So she leaves the junk yard and reunites with Ludo and Sir Didymus. They make it into The Goblin City but they are attacked by a giant robot but Hoggle comes in to save the day. They make their way to the castle and Jareth sends his Goblin army after them. Now I have to admit the fight scene is impressive. especially since you are doing it with puppets. Moving on. They make it to the castle. Sarah goes to face Jareth alone and her friends stay behind to hold off the goblins. We get the climactic battle and Sarah defeats Jareth by saying "You have no power over me"(Don't ask me how that works). Sarah is transported back to the real world and Toby is safe. She decides to leave behind her childhood and fantasy worlds and grow up. The End.........okay fine here is the real ending. She decides to leave behind her childhood and fantasy worlds and grow up. But she still misses her friends from The Labyrinth she thinks she sees them and ask if they can stay Hoggle says "Well why didn't you say so" and Sarah and the creatures of The Labyrinth have a party. The Real End. Now as you may have guessed I have a problem with the ending. It goes against the moral. It would be better if they said "We will always be with you no matter what" it would be corny but it would be better. This doesn't mean I dislike the film. Read below for my final thoughts.

                                                          ***SPOILERS OVER KEEP READING***

I like this movie a lot. The sets and puppets are impressive as well as creative. The Labyrinth is like a cross between all fantasy worlds which makes sense since the world is inside Sarah's mind and she reads a lot of fantasy books. But it goes against its own moral and some scenes like the Bog of Eternal Stench are hard to take seriously. Over all this is a good film. Check it out if you haven't seen it.


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