Friday 10 October 2014

Top Ten Animated Movie Monsters

Happy not actually Halloween every body. I am to bring you another top ten list. It is of Top Ten Animated Movie Monsters. We have the more famous movie monsters like Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, and Gill-Man, but there are animated movie monsters that also deserve as much attention and fame. So here we go with The Top Ten Animated Movie Monsters.

10 Smaug from The Animated Hobbit
Dragons are scary and when they destroy an ancient civilization of Dwarfs that makes them scarier. Now I don't know why the animators made him look like a cat but if you take that out he does look pretty intimidating. Especially when he is breathing fire. If you want to steal his treasure....just rob a bank or something...wait no don't do that, that's illegal.

The Headless Horseman from Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Of all the books Disney has adapted into movies I never expected Irving Washington's Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The Headless Horseman is terrifying. Everything from his red eyed horse to his evil laugh (how does he laugh without a head?). I mean the scary thing is we never actually find out what happens to Ichabod Crane at the end. Bottom line: stay near covered bridges when in Sleepy Hollow.

                                                         8 Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Have fun sleeping tonight
While this isn't an animated movie there are animated characters in this, and Judge Doom is an animated villain. He has weird glowing eyes, a very very very very high pitched voice, and he can turn his hands into cartoon props. Oh, and if you look at the picture on your left, you will see your nightmares for the next several centuries. He would be higher on the list but the movie isn't exactly fully animated.

7 The Mutant Pets from Frankenweenie
What happens when a dead animal gets struck by lightning? In real life it just gets burnt, but in the world of Frankenweenie it turns them into terrifying monsters. All these monsters are very creative in their appearances but my favorites are the Were-rat and the Cat-bat. Those may sound silly but they are scary when you see them.

The Boogie Man from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Who thought a Christmas movie would be so scary. The Boogie Man is just a bunch of bugs inside a doll basically. The idea of a monster filled with little monsters is very disturbing. Not to mention the fact that he has all those gambling themed torture devices. All I have to say is "I wish you a scary Christmas".

The Whale from Pinocchio
Now a whale may not be scary but what about a whale who eats people, has razor-sharp teeth, and swims at super speeds? It's like something out of a horror movie, a bit. He seems a bit too big even for a whale. Whatever he is he sure is very scary indeed.

Have some more nightmare fuel

 The Pink Elephants from Dumbo
I don't care if you say it was just a brief dream sequence these elephants are horrible demons from another
plane of existence. I mean all they do is dance around, morph shape, and sing very cryptic songs; but still they are creepy. Especially at the end when they turn into vehicles and explode into bits....did I mention that they have no eyes?

                                                   3 Mike and Sully from Monsters inc
It figures that I would have at least one friendly monster on this list. But this duo of monsters can also be scary. After all Sully is the top scarer at Monsters inc, but like I said, they are quite friendly. Making the the perfect duo for the number 3 spot.

                                                    2 Other Mother from Coraline
Her face is made of nightmares....she puts you in the world of your dreams and then eats your soul. This lady is terrifying, especially when she turns into a giant spider. But to be fair she is a bit scarier when she is disguised as a normal person. I think it's because you know she is evil from the moment you see her....that and she has buttons for eyes.

1 Charnobog from Fantasia
He may not be the focus of the movie but he is really scary. He wakes up the dead to go up to a mountain where they celebrate how evil he is and then he re-kills them. This guy is really scary and evil. He is almost immortal. It's hard to believe that a character with such a small part would leave such an impact. This is why he is number one monster.

Well that was terrifying, I have just listed the scariest animated monsters ever. I hope you like my list and sorry if I left any of your favorite monsters out. I can't wait to see you next time when I review, Monster Squad (evil laughter).

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