Monday 2 February 2015

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Hello everyone it looks like reviewing time. I have decided to review a fun adventure movie that everyone loves that's right Raiders of the Lost Ark. So get your hat and your whip because it's time for Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The movie starts with Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) looking for an ancient idol. He finds it and activates a bunch of traps. He escapes from the traps but is cornered by is arch enemy Belloq (Paul Freeman) who takes the idol away. Indy escapes and goes back to his job as history teacher. Indy's friend Marcus (Denholm Elliott) tells him of another treasure that Belloq and some German soldiers are out to find. The artifact is The Ark of the Covenant which is the chest that The Ten Commandments are carried in. So Indiana sets off to Egypt to find it but not before stopping in Nepal to get an amulet that will point to the resting place of The Ark. The amulet belongs to Indy's old friend Marion (Karen Allen). She refuses to give him the amulet but after a man named Toht (Ronald Lacy) tries to take the amulet she decides to come with Indy and give him the amulet. They make it to Egypt where they stay and the house of a man named Sallah (John Rhys-Davies) while in Egypt they are attacked by a bunch of thugs who kidnap Marion.

They put Marion in  a trcuk but the truck blows up and Indy thinks she is dead. But Indy still has the Amulet so he attaches it to a staff and he and Sallah go to the well of the souls which has a map that will point to where the Ark is. Indy goes to inform Sallah when he discovers that Marion is still alive. Indy doesn't free her because he is afraid the enemy will suspect him. Indy, Sallah, and some other diggers dig their way into a toumb where The Ark lies. Indy and Sallah take The Ark up but it turns out that the enemy has them surrounded. So Belloq takes the Ark and seals Indy and Marion in the toumb. They find a way out and try to get The Ark which is being loaded onto a truck and taken to the docks. They manage to get the Ark back and load it onto a ship going back to America but an enemy submarine isn't to far behind.


Top Men = Creepy Warehouse
Bellog attacks the ship, steals The Ark, and kidnaps Marion but Indy avoids them and sneaks onto their submarine. They go to an Island in order to open the Ark and Indy is caught. They open The Ark but Indy warns Marion not to look at The Ark. Hang on how does Indy know not to look at The Ark? It's a pretty big plot hole in the movie that not many people notice. Nobody ever told him not to look at The Ark so how does he know? But it is a good thing he didn't look as it makes all the enemy soldiers explode. So The Ark is taken back to Washington where it is looked after by "Top Men". The End.


Raiders of the Lost Ark  is a great movie. It is well acted, action packed, and features some really good effects that are a lot more convincing then some of the CGI I see in modern movies. It is also full of homages to serieals of the 40's which is a nice little touch. So in all I recomens Raiders of the Lost Ark as a movie,

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