Monday 1 September 2014

Groundhog Day

Well I made it seem like I would review a Planet of the Apes sequel in the last review but I am not because....aliens stole my only copy of Beneath the Planet of the Apes. So until those aliens come back with my copy, I will review Groundhog Day...even though I should have reviewed this in February. But whatever, let's go.

We open with a weather man named Phil Conners (Bill Murray) finishing a report. Then he heads on his way to the town of Punxsutawney to report on the Groundhog Day celebrations with his producer Rita (Andie MacDowell) and his camera man Larry (Chris Elliot). He spends the night in a Bed and Breakfast and he wakes up the next day for the ground hog report. On the way he is stopped by his annoying friend from high school Ned Ryerson (Stephen Tobolowsky) who wants Phil to buy some insurance. When Phil gets to the festivities, he gives a sarcastic report and decides he wants to get out of town as soon as possible. But a blizzard keeps him from leaving town and he has to spend another miserable day in town...OR DOES HE?! When he wakes up it is still February second and every thing happens like yesterday. He meets Ned, he does the report, and the blizzard keeps him in town. When he wakes up the next day it is still Groundhog Day. He tries to tell Rita and Larry, but they just brush it off as him being weird.

 He decides to find ways to pass the time like robbing some incompetent bank guards, dressing like Clint Eastwood, and pretending to know random strangers. Eventually he decides he loves Rita and he spends most of the days memorizing all of her favorite things--that sounds charmingly creepy. But all of his attempts fail and he just gives up on that. He comes to the conclusion that Punxsatawney Phil is the reason all this is happening, so he kidnaps him and drives him away as he is chased by cops, Larry, and Rita. However Phil drives off the edge of a cliff and wakes up on the same day once again. After failing to kill himself several times he manages to convince Rita that he is stuck in the same day. So she tries to stay up all night with him but the same thing happens again and he wakes up on Ground hog day.


After this occurrence he decides to make himself  a better person. Phil decides to put some actual effort into his report, he is nice to Ned, and he also decides to take piano lessons as a hobby. He also takes his time to memorize every bad thing that will happen in town and stopping it from happening. It's kind of like if Superman could see into the future. Once he masters piano playing he performs at a party and Rita decides to go on a date with Phil. On the date Phil builds Rita an ice sculpture of herself. The next day...IT'S FEBUARY 3RD! To end it all Phil tells Rita he wants to live in Punxsatawney...even though he was trapped their for about 50 years oh whatever. The End.


Groundhog Day is an really good movie. Not only is it really really funny but the concept of the movie is quite original and it is a romantic comedy yet it doesn't use any of those rom-com cliches you have seen 1,00000 times. One of the only things I didn't like is that Phil seems  to be a bit of a jerk at first but as the movie goes on Bill Murray plays him as more of a likable jerk. But I would recommend this movie to watch on Groundhog Day or whenever I guess. I will let you know when I find those aliens.


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